A New Decade. Staycation @ Hotel Fort Canning

As the time nears to the day my cells aging another year, I decided to congratulate myself for crossing a milestone. Once every 10 years.

I'm generally thrifty by nature and agonize over spending SGD100. Ahh, tis' the life of a bachelorette (a better word than being called a spinster) living in one of the most expensive cities in the world with too many commitments.

When you cross a milestone, people usually tell you to celebrate and make it memorable. It would be great if you have a tonne of friends and these friends have cash to burn. I didn't want to spend time worrying being alone in a strange city, wondering if I would get mugged on my birthday. My friends have reached the age where there are more important commitments in life, like kids. So I settled on doing a staycation on my own. It sounds depressing but some time-out from life isn't too bad. After browsing various hotel sites, I settled upon Hotel Fort Canning, a refurbished dame in the city's green lung.

Located on what previously was known as "Bukit Larangan" or Forbidden Hill, the hotel was a former British Far East Command Headquarters for the region.The cab deposited me in front of a quiet reception area. There is a whole hushed atmosphere in the hotel. It felt like I walked into a sound-proof bubble. On the way to the reception desk, I passed by a glass covered archaeological pits showcasing artifacts found around hotel such as Qing porcelain , bricks, ancient pottery and glass marbles. A nice touch to subtly hint at the rich history Fort Canning has to offer.

The check-in manager kindly informed me that I could mingle with the other in-house guests at cocktail hour at 6pm. Complimentary wines, juices, coffee, tea and light snacks would be served. Perhaps I looked like a sad case, holidaying on my own.

My room was on the ground floor. I really liked my room (except for the see-through toilets) with the high ceilings with verdant green tones.
My dark green room
 I wished I had a verandah to open out to but my windows opened to gardeners working on the lawn in some corner of the building.
Kept my verandah closed. Could hear them moving the lawn right outside.
The room comes with a Nespresso machine (yay!), TwG tea, touch panel controls for lighting, curtains and aircon. (took me a while to figure these out) and complimentary wi-fi. The downside to the room was that the Bowers & Wilkins iPod docking station did not work. After fiddling with it, and worrying that I might short-circuit the blasted device, I decided to charge my iPod the usual way.

Room control for the aircon and lighting
One thing that struck me as odd was that I was faced with transparent toilet and bathroom. Luckily I had the room to myself. I don't know how couples would feel looking at their other halves doing a No.2 right in front of them. How is that supposed to be romantic?

The door slides either way. So you cannot take a shower AND take a leak at the same time. ALERT: This is definitely not a room for friends nor family! I am still not quite sure why couples would like this.

 If you really need to take a shower, there is a tub right outside the "toilet". It's built facing the room's TV, so I guess a lil' movie while you soak? It seems like good idea but it fell a little short for me. I lurve bath tubs. Used to use them as swimming pools during my kindy days. With this bath tub, you can reenact any chick flick scene where you soak with a champagne in hand.

But... *gasp* the horrors! Where are are my freakin' bath salts?! It's such a nice tub with absent bath salts. So for all those planning to stay at Hotel Fort Canning, bring your own bath salts if you want to soak up the chichiness. Psst... Muji sells them in little packs.

Before dinner, I walked around the park enjoying the setting sun. It gets pretty quiet towards the end of the day(if there are no events going on) so I would suggest not to wander around too late.
Pool next to Glass House
Sunset from the patio

Gothic Gates
In Fort Canning Park
Dinner at Gattopardo Italian Restaurant by myself with a glass of wine. I think some diners there thought I was a person nursing a broken heart with alcohol or something. I didn't take any photos for dinner as I did not want to draw too much attention to myself. Being away from documenting your food is good, you get to really focus and enjoy it instead of wondering which angle would make the ravioli look better. It was way too dark for the photos anyway.

I returned to my room for a night of Discovery channel marathon and tea. Midnight came and passed. Did I feel different? Nope but the stillness of the night on this bustling tiny island gave me time to think about days to come.

If you want a tranquil break from it all but still remain down the road from the shopping? Try a night at Hotel Fort Canning. It's good for self-contemplation too.

Hotel Fort Canning
Address: 11 Canning Walk, Singapore 17881
Tel: +65 6559 6770
Fax: +65 6338 8915
Price: $$$
