Souvenir Shopping, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Day 6)
VL and I woke up to the sounds of An knocking on our door at 9.30am. We agreed to meet her at Little Italy for lunch before she leaves for her flight back to Singapore. The soreness in my knee and ankle somewhat subsided after the heat pads and compression applied throughout the night.
Since it was our last day, it was time to do souvenir shopping. Our first stop for the day was an outdoor gear shop near the Jesselton Jetty.
Don't let the hanging floats fool you. The door to the outdoor gear shop is behind those floats. Some items we saw here were cheaper than in KL and Singapore! So if you forgot something for your hike up Mt. Kinabalu, this is the place for you for last minute cheap, practical gear. They have hiking bags, insulated jackets (both branded and non-branded), spectacle cases etc. The water bags here are value for money. It only cost RM40 for a 3L bag!
We met An after that and had a lovely squid ink pasta at Little Italy. She rushed off as her flight was at 3pm. After posting our postcards (which still haven't arrived), we went to Suria Sabah to stock up on Sabah tea and Tenom coffee to bring back to KL before heading back to the hotel to pack up our remaining bags. Our flight was at 5pm. I continued shopping at the airport for frozen seafood to bring home (although my dad later told me that the frozen seafood was cheaper in the wet market near the Filipino Handicraft Centre).
At 5pm, we boarded the plane and bid farewell to Kota Kinabalu, a place where I conquered a mountain and felt the universe when I gazed at the stars.
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Going home |